Yoga helps strengthen the spirit

Jameil Rahill

There’s no mistaking Jamael Rahill.

He’s the 20-something, soft-spoken and kind Yogi who kicks butt during YAM’s Hot 26 classes, a long ways away from where he moved – Peru, by way of Miami, Fla.

“After living in Peru, I could not continue living in south Florida. It’s just not my scene anymore. I miss the ocean terribly, but these mountains do a good job at making up for it.

“I spent a year and a few months living and working in Peru. I’ve always had interests in holistic healing and I decided to venture to Peru to work with the area’s medicinal plants,“ Jamael says. “I learned a lot there and I hope to move into that field here in the States. It’s truly remarkable how much healing can  be achieved through plant medicine and proper nutrition.”

Jamael has practiced different kinds of Yoga on and off for the past few years, but since coming to YAM once the studio opened in October, he now attends classes four or five times a week.

“Yoga appeals to me because it is a practice of body, mind and spirit,” Jamael says. “A concentration is needed to sync the mind with the body. I like the fact that my body is getting more toned, but more importantly, my mind is getting stronger and more disciplined. This life is not easy and our minds can make more of a mess of  things if it runs rampant.

“Spirituality is an important aspect in my life and yoga has helped my meditation practice be less arduous,” says Jamael, who works at Umi, a Japanese restaurant on N. Main Street in Hendersonville. “I’ve chosen Yoga to help with my body, mind and spirit.”

He enjoys YAM because it offers a variety of classes, but he is especially hooked on the Hot 26 classes.

YAM’s Yoga studio “is a very comfortable space to practice in. “Once you walk in, you can tell that a lot of love went into this place,” Jamael says. ”The teachers and staff are kind and very knowledgeable. To say the least, I’m a very happy camper.”