Tish Helps Lee Temby Through Massage

Tish Helps Lee Temby Through Massage

Lee Temby has suffered from chronic neck pain for more than 40 years and, for the past two years, he’s had excruciating foot pain from peripheral neuropathy, a side effect of diabetes.

For months, his wife encouraged Lee to schedule an appointment for a massage at YAM, and when he finally did, Lee realized how beneficial therapeutic massage is.

“It’s a respite from the nearly constant pain of neuropathy,” says the 68-year-old financial advisor. “My therapist, Tish Hilyer, seems to know exactly where to relieve the pain without me having to show her. She knows how much pressure to apply and when to release it.”

It’s not likely that the neuropathy, which causes numbness and occasional sharp pain in the feet, will ever go away, but the massage makes it bearable, Lee says. His doctor also believes massage is helpful in the treatment of his pain.

“A session with Tish clears my mind … to the point I fall asleep,”says Lee, who schedules a weekly session. “I really need and look forward to those appointments.”

Massage is very beneficial for chronic pain and neuropathy issues, Tish says. “Loosening  tight muscles can release some impingements of the nerves,” she says. “Massage also provides deep relaxation, stress relief, and allows the nervous system to move into a ‘rest and digest’ mode, which is very powerful in the healing process.”

Lee first met Tish during a private Ayurveda consultation when she offered plant-based nutritional options that helped him lower his blood sugar levels.

“The consultation was a life-changing event for me because now I’m more aware of the eating choices I make every day,” Lee says.

Ayurveda is a holistic medicine that can benefit everyone, Tish says. “Ayurveda helps us to learn what foods, self-care practices and herbal remedies can bring us into balance.

“It is very helpful to work with a practitioner to find an approach to daily life that can help to heal imbalances ranging from sleep or digestive issues to chronic illness, such as diabetes,” Tish says. “I have witnessed amazing shifts in clients’ energy levels, quality of life and confidence by working with them one -on one with Ayurveda.”

Through Tish’s Ayurveda counseling, Lee has lost 50 pounds, using an Ayurveda diet and exercise.

“Tish’s training and compassion, both as a massage therapist and Ayurveda practitioner, are at the highest levels of care-giving,” Lee says.