Sunny Stephanie
Sunny is a devoted yogi practicing since 2005. Initially making contact with the practice through physical injury, staying for the bliss. Sunny is an RYT with Yoga Alliance & has been fortunate to learn from amazing teachers all over this world. She has a deep appreciation and gratitude for the ancient tradition of Yoga and can’t wait to share these tools for peace with you.
My teaching style focuses on holistic alignment and is deeply rooted in Vedanta philosophy and curious spirituality. The foundation of my practice is built upon a trauma informed approach and personal embodiment of all the petals of Yoga.
It is my intention as a yoga teacher to serve with a sense of purpose and let love light the path to introspection and self healing – leading to a calm and equanimous presence.
I value curiosity, creativity, individuality, and resilience. Beauty in nature and art fuel my passions expressed though yoga, cooking and community.
Hope to see you on the mat soon!